Equibusiness search results: showing 30 - 40 of 71 total

You searched for 'Polo'

00+54 1141 998810
International horse transport and shipping company
01722 780777
Rutland Polo Club for polo games, events
Polo mallets and tack supploes plus mallet repairs
01730 814991 / (07802 405298)
01666 880510
Complete beginners welcome for lessons or membership
01491 411969 / (0 7976 242877)
+00 6478 236140
The Hurlingham Polo Association is the governing body for polo in the U.K. and Ireland.
01367 242 828
01892 770591
Polo clinics & tutelage, practice chukkas. Horseback, wildlife and other safaris.
00+91 1124 624879

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What they say

"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery