Equibusiness search results: showing 30 - 40 of 46 total

You searched for 'Stallions-Thoroughbreds'

Public Stud with boarding facilities for Broodmares
01485 540588
Brook Stud
01638 730212
Dentistry. T.B.& Welsh pony Stallions at stud
0 1507 533331 / (07733 365698)
+44 (0) 1635 276180 / (+44 (0) 7785 367927)
01223 811249 / (0378 464146)
Plantation Stud is the home of ARAAFA.
01638 577341
Breeders of competition horses, stallions at public stud, trainers and livery yard
01269 843987 / (0 7890 307302)
01638 663081
Stallion Stud standing Thoroughbred and Sport Horses, offering a wid erange of services from boarding to sales preparation, schooling foaling both natural and AI covering, Facilities include indoor and outdoor school, horse walker, own transport, AI labor
01325 730209 / (+0 (799) 051-8751)
Thoroughbred Horse Breeding Stud
01842 755913

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"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery