Equibusiness search results: showing 40 - 47 of 47 total

You searched for 'Courses'

Equine sports massage diploma
01626 852485 / (07977 359347)
Pershore College is part of Warwickshire College and offers a wide range of full or part-time courses.
01386 552 443
A range of equine courses from first diploma to honours degree.
02866 344853
The first MSc Equine Science programme to be mounted within a vet school. Aimed to produce 'elite' equine graduates
+44(0)131 651 7305
Keits Ltd
Land based training provider with an Equine Centre of Vocational Excellence. Keits offers, supports and funds apprentices
Dedicated to the teaching of horsemanship methods from around the world.
01926 485221
Horse racing college, offering free, residential courses and employment in the industry
01302 861000

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What they say

"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery