Equibusiness search results: showing 30 - 40 of 105 total

You searched for 'Education'

01885 483420
sport specific fitness training for horse and rider
0 1464 861015 / (0 7768 383297)
01522 522252
Stonar School
Stonar school is a popular & succesful day & boarding school for girls aged 4-18
Equine Communication Behaviourist & Trainer
0 1332 280563 / (0 7929 917418)
Offers postgraduate training for Veterinary Physiotherapy. Member of the National Association of Animal Therapists
0 1844 290512
Lantra is the sector skills council representing the equine industry
0 2476 696996
Learning the 'secret' language of equine communication.
Driver training for Equestrians. Trailer towing, horsebox maintenance etc.
0 7710 349150
Britians leading land-based college and equine cenre of vocational excellence
01964 553000

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What they say

"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery